
Oh no
Oh no.......

It's not like Nintendo had almost 30 years to release their game on PC or anything.......

@LukeAlmighty @diresock And its not like fans have lashed out at them for working with an even more incompetent company (Gamefreak)

That is a Fedi thing... You will get used to it.

Whenever you see that, you want to open the post in new tab, THROUGH the instance the video was posted on.


just did that
but it says
"The page you are looking for isn't here. "

@LukeAlmighty I'll give it like 72-ish hours before Nintendo DCMA's that mod into the past tense
@LukeAlmighty As a 3D Pokemon-type game this is something I should have less than zero interest in. So others here like Palworld a lot though?
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