@LukeAlmighty in a sense, yeah
tng movies ruined all characters, geordi in the show was such an insufferable nerd and data a tragic incomplete doll
loved them v much
@eee @LukeAlmighty Reminder that Geordi is the only main character that didn’t get laid in the entire 7 seasons.
@LukeAlmighty @Rudolf_von_Goldenbaum @eee Picard - Vash
Riker - Yes
Data - Yar
Worf - Kehlar
Troi - Humpty Dumpty Guy
Crusher - Trill Ambassador
Wesley - Robin
Yar - Data
LaForge - Aquiel...wait, no...Brahms...wait, no and no...Christy Henshaw?

Sadly enough for Geordi, the writers initially intended the character of Selena Gomez to be LaForge's major love interest, but wrote her too silly.
@LukeAlmighty @eee @Rudolf_von_Goldenbaum Dont get me started on the epic romance of Tom Paris and Kathryn Janeway the slugs
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