Does anyone have Godot Engine logo in pixelart form? I wanted to use pixelated logo in credits as my game has quite low res, but can't find anything like that in the official presskit. I can use official SVG's and rescale them, but wanted them to look as crisp as possible.

@godotengine any hints?

#godotengine #pixelart

@godotengine @jimmac @sirmike
In fact, it does look agressive.
Like a retard, who just snapped, and can hit you any second. :comfyshrug:

@LukeAlmighty Hey there, we don't appreciate that kind of ableist language here. We ask you to re-word your comment, or delete it if you have nothing kind to say.

Quite demanding aren't we?

You asked for my opinion, and now demand me to change it? Go fuck yourself.


It is simple visual language. Small pupils means absolute focus, that is characteristic of incomming attack. It's not my fault you aren't developed enough to understand negative feedback

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