I guess this is a thing a lot of people think nowadays.
I'm conflicted, because on the one hand culture is much bigger than me and I don't wish to simply condemn the growing number of friends, acquaintances, and creatives who promulgate this because we still live in the same world; and on the other, I'm Jewish (although neither zionist nor antizionist) and my terror at witnessing the resurgence of antisemitism is profound. I just....I'm really flummoxed. Maybe I'm actually terrified but the shock phase feels more like confusion. @alex

RT: https://shitposter.club/objects/8caaae63-ba39-444f-8f63-6f579a93f3f5
@ninapaley @Nudhul It's a form of cope and retardation. You know what I've realized? If you give these people Seinfeld they will laugh. They love George Costanza. They are fully capable of seeing people as individuals. It's just a big meme. And some of them are really serious. But ultimately they're not going to do anything about it except be retarded on the internet. If you told these people Hitler was a Jew they'd start wearing Star of David jumpsuits.
Do you think there might be a reason that people aren't pissed about Jerry Seinfeld but are actually and truly pissed off about people like:

Alejandro Mayorkas
Merrick Garland
Antony Blinken
Victoria Nuland
Janet Yellen
Jonathan Greenblatt
George Soros
Reed Hoffman
James "Jennifer" Pritzker
Mark Zuckerberg
Sam Bankman-Fried
Nearly 100% of second-wave feminists
Nearly 100% of the Frankfurt School

etc etc etc just to name a few? Also, many people have alleged Hitler to be of jewish descent, typically on the basis of his father's given surname. But that doesn't really matter much because Hitler's animosity toward jews didn't come about because of Seder dinner. It came about because he grew to see them as primarily responsible for fomenting violent socialist revolutions in Europe.

Allow one of the few rabbis who has ever had the sense and courage to read Mein Kampf and speak about it honestly in public explain this important point:

@snugglefist @Nudhul @ninapaley Yes of course, but because they're bourgeoisie scum, not because they're Jewish. Question for you: is Seinfeld part of your extermination plan?

@alex @snugglefist @Nudhul @ninapaley
Have you considered, what if "bourgeoisie" and "the jews" is the name of the same mafia group, that is characterized in both their wealth and their strong in group identification to their religion?


@alex @snugglefist @Nudhul @ninapaley
I mean, we literally have a russian mafia in a lot of places in here. Yet, I haven't seen anyone offended yet, when someone says "the russians" when talking about them. Not even russians. Because the context about the name is clear.

So, why be so defensive about it?

This is essentially the same point Dave Chappelle tried to make in his SNL monologue.


@snugglefist @alex @Nudhul @ninapaley
Yes, but it's worse... much worse.
Because, It's really easy to finding for example a gay men saying "I do not agree with the LGBT agenda. It's disgusting, all I want is right to live a happy life, marry and adopt a kid" for example.

Yet, any time this mafia is mentioned, thanks to their control of media, all you hear is constant screening of antisemitism. And that DOES in fact lead some people believe, that it's all of them.

The defensiveness is the worst response imho.

@LukeAlmighty @snugglefist @alex @ninapaley western jews aren't even semitic. conflating jews with semites is no different than saying all white people are caucasian.
The term "antisemitism" is a canard on its face if for no other reason than the simple fact that the majority of Semites aren't jews at all. Ironically, Palestinians are Semites. And hilariously, the Wikipedia article on this topic describes "Semite" as an "obsolete term" in the first sentence.

It certainly isn't obsolete as a means of obfuscating and suppressing free discourse.

Yes, jews will regularly express frustration or confusion at being grouped together, but this is inevitable because of how they will defend individuals of their group as a group. The ADL is a perfect example of this. It's been 110 years and they still act like Leo Frank dindu nuffin.

Tucker Carlson is an example of someone who somehow ran afoul of this just by talking about mass migration and the involvement of people like Soros. To the best of my knowledge, he never once mentioned on Fox that Soros is a jew, but being willing to talk about this in terms of "replacement" ultimately cost him his job.

If you generalize about jews and their cultural norms and values as a group, you are labeled an antisemite. But if you speak calmly, rationally and factually about specific individuals and things they have objectively done and said without making mention of their jewish identity at all, some jews will still pop their heads up and accuse you of antisemitism regardless.

Pointing out that not all jews engage in that equally in every circumstance does not obviate this at all. It still happens like clockwork and the examples of this pile up by the day now.
Yes, there are countless examples of this. Mark Cuban is a recent and prominent example who has been getting called out for this two-faced behavior because he waded into a debate with Elon Musk about the BLS data showing that only 6% of the jobs recovered since the coof went to white men.

Ask American jews whether or not they're white and you'll get situational answers even though most Ashkenazim are predominantly European genetically, having lived and intermarried in Europe for a millennium or so.

Now I find myself wanting to get into how you can draw a direct line from the NYT 1619 project, the entire purpose of which was to put all the blame for slavery on the heads of white Americans in the 21st century while remaining utterly silent on jewish involvement, right to the recent events at Harvard, but I feel like I've written enough about all of this for the moment.
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