if you glide into the corner of a vertical wall and a slope too steep to stand on, and aren't holding a direction for movement, you can get some STUPID height and distance

1) Do you even physics bro?
2) What did you do to your stamina?

@All_bonesJones @LukeAlmighty interesting, guess it still has a reason to exist after galeclaw
@LukeAlmighty i've still got boatloads of stamina mind you, put 30 levels into it, but you can see here with the normal parachute it's almost drained off a flight that short. max rank pals are pretty absurd
@LukeAlmighty you got a damn weird definition of wasted my man
defense and HP are useless when you can't get hit, work speed's useless when i've got factorio bullshit going on, you saying i should put those levels into attack to get a 1% boost to damage per level?

I am not in factorio levels of construction, and still I wanted to put most into carrying weight.

And health is great, since the game is kinda rough from time to time. But slow travel was just kinda annoying.

@LukeAlmighty i've never suffered the pain of slow travel because i would slide down a slope or stairs then cancel into a glide to get insane speed that i can maintain with my high stamina. unless you mean the 0 movement speed while overburdened which you can ignore via grappling hooks

with speed like this i only needed like 4-5 levels in HP since almost nothing can hit me frequently enough to wear through the shield. i might catch a stray 30-power attack if i'm fighting something in a very small space but enough HP to survive exactly 1 hit without a shield has carried me through the whole game
@LukeAlmighty @All_bonesJones My save data was corrupted and I lost my pals and levels… however the pals I had assigned to my bases and bases remain and Luna was still there.
@William_The_Dragonborn @LukeAlmighty 3 handiwork, increased load, good enough stats, varied movepool, extremely cute
top-tier pal
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