
It's amazing what american education does to a MF.

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>i think the hikikomori shit and the loli shit are just symptoms of avoiding the outside world because it's scary

What? Okay hikikomori makes sense but how the hell does loli fit into this?

It's amazing that these people are taking memes seriously. Just more examples of them not having the mental faculties necessary to distinguish between real life and make-believe.
@sjw @LukeAlmighty Every low IQ normie just can’t understand that drawings and other forms of fictional media aren’t real. That’s why they watch movies and think actors actually are as cool as they are made to appear and so much celebrity worship occurs amongst normies.
Dev's overthinking it. A country doesn't need to get nuked or lose wars continuously for a portion of its population to turn into shut-ins. And connecting it to loli is surprisingly small-brained of him.
@LukeAlmighty the basic assumptions that Japanese "are a certain way" because of American bombings is so absurd and laughable it doesn't pass basic scrutiny. Food for morons and idiots.

Oh America (the JewS government) did change Japan, but it wasn't through bombs. It was through changes to the constitution, introducing liberalism in politics and culture, and ultimately through forced dependency for security.

The loli thing? A whole different matter.
The hiki thing? A product of the above mentioned changes.
@LukeAlmighty Japan routinely tells the Plague Chinks and Worst Korea to suck it whenever they whine about Japanese leaders visiting the shrines of Japan's war dead, they still seem to have plenty of faith in their civilization, even if the WW2 defeat and American occupation forced the country on a different path.

Also, a guy too cowardly to tell the truth about trannies doesn't get to talk about other people being scared.
@ChristiJunior @LukeAlmighty there's people in Japan who are nationalistic on twitter and it makes the tourists who learned Japanese to play a porn game mad
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