
I still don't get how the fuck did they manage to pull the ESG grift off.

And I am getting insane just thinking about the ethernal abis of conspiracies I don't even know about.

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@LukeAlmighty Blackrock handles the governments employee pension funds, which is billions of dollars. Just like with social media, the government sets up shop in private companies and makes them do what the government can't legally do.

Haven't you noticed that the ESG bullshit and the mass censorship on social media (which has been proven to be government controlled) all occurred at the exact same time?

Yes, and I know the fact about pension fonds being handled this way.

My point was purely about the insane scale of the grift. And that I am not sure what to think of it. Is it just one fraud, or is it a proof, that capitalism itself has a fucking backdoor, that can be abused this much?

Whenever there is a discussion on flat earth, one of the most common arguments is "oh, just imagine how many people would have to be in on it". And yet, here we have a truly global scale conspiracy, where a few companies were given control over investing money of such a huge portion of population, and they used it to re-forge society into a troonified version.

I seriously cannot wrap my head around that scale.

@LukeAlmighty it's just a form of soft nationalization, which all Communist regimes have always done. They've learned that rather than overtly own the means of production, just collapse industries into a few "too big to fail" companies that the government can control behind the scenes. And again, they can use those companies to do things the government can't legally do as well.

They're recreating the Chinese CCP system in the West. It's called "State Capitalism".

@LukeAlmighty @Tfmonkey They (larryfink a jew) were given full control of the reigns of the us Econ after 08. they were the ultimate winner because even if they’d lost the gov would have bailed them out same as the banks.
@LukeAlmighty Its the same bullshit every time

Jewish or traitor leaders

Jewish or traitor CEOS

People go along with current bullshit

Anyone invidual that speaks out , your fired
bigot hate speech transfobe racist extreme conspiracy theorist

Taxation funds
Anti White System
Central Banks

Corporations generate poltical slushfunds
which in turn pays polticans, lobby groups, bribies, payoffs,etc

Both the LEFT and RIGHT are NWO 2030

Both ISLAM and Christianity is NWO 2030

182 nations have signed onboard for NWO 2030

Almost NO ONE is willing to remove
Multi Racislism , Female 'rights' , Pussy Pass, Diversity, Gays

Almost no business's are willing to work as a collective
to advocate for its own interests and out lobby central banks, unions and corporations
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