
Is there any woman here, who could explain this weird thing? :MonkaThink:

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she just means that she doesn't want her male friends to be sexually & /or romantically attracted to her

That's not what she wrote though.
She wrote, that she wants to be friends with them. That thing also includes her being friendly last time I checked.

@LukeAlmighty that's what we call a carousel rider. If a woman is only friends with boys let's just say, as they say in your country of Czechoslovakia:

prase v mnoha různých kolejích

@LukeAlmighty this is probably hard to explain kind of.

But a lot of women don't have very deep relationships with other women.

A lot of girl relationships can be very surface level and not very deep to where boys if they are friends with someone consistently most of the time they have this kind of mentality of when you're part of the boys group everyone will do something for you.

It's that fraternal male friendship or feeling that she's seeking.

Yeah, that makes sense, but my question is, why don't they go all in then, like boys do?

I know, this might sound lame, but lately, I realized a kind of weird meter. Friends don't want to keep you for themselves. I did find a group of girls, who weren't afraid to go all in full bros mode with me. But that is fucking rare. How often do these "i want boy...friends" kind of girls actually offer anything beside their presence?

It kinda also solves the loneliness paradox to begin with. If every girl you got the horny for just introduced you to 3 friends, you wouldn't feel desperate when hanging out with her. It's simple math :peepoShrug:

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