palworld runs out of content at level 30

mt obsidian is pretty well-developed and there's cool routes leading slowly up and around the mountain, but feels empty aside from hazards most of which you can just fly over

the desert and tundra are blatantly unfinished messes covered in broken geometry and wrong textures, with the tundra biome featuring one (1) new pal and a bunch of lazy recolors. the only interesting part of the desert is duneshelter and the only interesting part of the tundra is that one ancient ruin

plus, by level 30 you should have basically all the pals you could ever reasonably need and don't have any reason to catch more. originally, you were catching pals because it was the only way to make your base functional. you needed a vulpix to run your furnace. after a bit, you were catching pals to make your base run faster, like upgrading to penking from pengullet because it waters 3x as fast

by level 25, you should have the pals best at any task easily and there's not much point in catching pals. jormuntides are slight upgrades for kindling and watering, but it's trivial to breed anubis (best at handiwork), trivial to breed lyleens (best for plantations, petalia + mossanda, both things you should have caught by now) and trivial to catch azurobes (second best at watering). if you're willing to settle for second-best at handiwork instead of engaging in breeding autism the lava river south of the desert is crawling with level 20 wixens that are trivial to catch

game promises 50 levels of content but it's really only 30 levels of content then 20 levels of grinding for the last 2 bossfights.

i'd still recommend palworld if you like pokemon or ark or survival crafters, but man, they REALLY need to flesh out the last half of the game because it's so painfully empty and unfinished

...i say last half, but the data says it's closer to last 70%. there's data in the game that suggests a final level cap of 100.

tl;dr: early access game isn't finished

I think I finished at level 35, and after I was able to fly everywhere.

So, I absolutely agree.

@LukeAlmighty i'm surprised it took you that long to fly everywhere, once i figured out the movement physics i was able to get nearly anywhere at 15 and literally anywhere at 21

hangyu + grappling hook + physics lets you pull some real stupid bullshit. i need to record some footage of that because once you know how to use it hangyu's literally only second to the game's deliberately op final mount

also whoever said "let's take chimecho and add the arms of a strangle murderer" was a genius

I don't remember exactly, but it's also the question of motivation. In the lower levels, I still had a reason to focus on the base construction instead.

Also, the focus on one stationary base was insanely limiting. I was afraid to "waste" bases by building a 2nd one before I unlock everything, and the fact, that base was in one place made exploration quite unintuituve.

@LukeAlmighty ah, see, i'm the sort of retard who sees the level 38 mammorest boss at the start and decides i need to kill it and then i need to catch it before moving on, so after killing it with environmental damage a few times (it was the only thing i used for ancient civilization parts until i was like level 25) i figured i could find higher-tier balls by making it to the tree, found out i couldn't make it to the tree, decided the tundra was probably lategame enough to have higher-quality drops, and spent like 4 hours doing stupid retard bullshit both to get there and while in there to get higher tier balls and equipment to catch it
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