
Do you remember last year, when Oscars were actually an event, because one guy decided to ape out?

Well, we all said, that this year, they're going to try repeat that with some other "controversy". Well, we were right. And it's such a pathetic attempt. :omegalul:

That was the safest "controversy" a commity can think of. Well, guess what? If it's safe, it's not a controversy.

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@LukeAlmighty i don't envy the bookers.

they don't let them play with the big toys anymore.

A desperate muscular guy was naked.

Again... If they had 2 brain cells, they would AT LEAST show a young woman, but that would not be "safe horny" anymore.

@LukeAlmighty Naked John Cena, brought to you by the same fags who cried about the "We saw your boobs" song.

Sexualizing men is the epitome of Safe Horny.
@ChristiJunior @LukeAlmighty What an era we live in, where female sexuality and homosexuality are considered "safe horny", but guys liking slender busty or flat-chested women are regarded as outcasts.

Utterly ridiculous.
@lolipunk2069 @LukeAlmighty I'm inclined to say that our modern society gets EVERYTHING wrong when it comes to relations between the sexes.
@LukeAlmighty @ChristiJunior A very blatant and brazen satanic inversion ritual, brought to you by the International Jewish ruling class.
@ChristiJunior @LukeAlmighty Just goes to show how thorough the antinatalist brainwashing has seeped into civilization on a global scale.
@SuperSnekFriend @LukeAlmighty Comedian darkie slaps another for mocking his androgynous wife.
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