@LukeAlmighty@gameliberty.club its funny to watch it from the sidelines. Game looks to be an absolute shitshow.

Yeah, it's good to once see it on a series, that means nothing to me .D

@LukeAlmighty the thing i hate most about this is that i used to joke about fast travel dlc when horse armor dropped and now it's just real
tbf, this opinion isnt new, DD1 had the same kind of fast travel
@LukeAlmighty First game literally had a free item for infinite fast travel to major locations because travel by foot was dumb as shit in that game. Stamina burns quick so cant really run, tons of low level but annoying enemies to fight, pawns (bot allies) always running off to fight large enemies and dying
@LukeAlmighty the fast travel items are easy as fuck to get by just playing the game.
@LukeAlmighty and there's retards complainging about it and still not refunding the game, so nothing will change
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