This is not a meme, this is a warning.
You are the culture too. You choose what clothes you wear, and you choose what beauty you create.

Be the empire you want to live in.


Women must be trained to make their own clothes if they want to wear traditional clothes?

And I do not know how to teach someone to make clothes or to find such classes to learn to do that including making your own material before someone asks

So, you want to tell me, women don't already know how to make their own clothes?

Yeah, I will have to press X to doubt realy hard.


Those are from pre assembled pieces of fabric

But tney do not know how to manufacture the fabric

And even if they do then they do not know how to do it without electricity and men to keep the electric equipment working


What are you even trying to argue for here? I didn't say to return to monkey, I just said to form culture.

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