
@LukeAlmighty There very similar but at least once actually appealing to look at and you have some freedom.

If you don't have a home association then 100% suburbs

HOAs aren't bad if you're renting because they enforce anti nigger rules and you don't have someone controlling what you own.

@ignika98 I don't have a problem with them if you're renting but if you own the property they are completely tyrannical

@LukeAlmighty i don't want to be able to hear my neighbor Vladimir drink himself to death so suburbs it is

My main problem with suburbs is, that they cut you away from the rest of civilization.

I live 100m away from the gym. 300m away from the train. Shopping centers of all kind all next to each other. Even work is just a minute away.

Meanwhile, suburbs seem like a hell. I am closer to a forest, then some of these people are to their job.

@leespringfield1903 @LukeAlmighty I'm genuinely fascinated by Kowloon City, and lament that it was demolished the year I was born, thus I never got to visit it.
It's the kind of thing that if you saw it in a movie or something you would criticize it for being unrealistic, but it was real.
@Indigo @LukeAlmighty One of the last good Call of Duty games had a mission in it.

Though maybe there might be Hong Kong cinema movies on Kowloon.
@LukeAlmighty @Indigo

In your average suburb, you are a mile away from your gym, restaurants, shopping, etc.

The point of that is to segregate it.

At night, the (White and hwite) suburbs are nice and quiet. Focus on family. Cities are cosmopolitan, neurotic, and esurient by nature.
@LukeAlmighty commie blocks, at least you're not so far away from everything.
@LukeAlmighty My vote goes to the commie blocks on the condition that they are as affordable.
If rent isn't as cheap as a second hand VCR, then they lose their only appeal.
@RaHoWaJoe @LukeAlmighty

People in apartments are generally fucking slobs. Make everyone live in the suburbs and reduce cost of living by cutting 3/4 of the taxes.
@LukeAlmighty prefer low level housing, had experience going the stair at least 5 floor due to the elevator keep getting full
@LukeAlmighty just on the notion that I FUCKING HATE APARTMENTS, suburbs
@LukeAlmighty suburbs all the way. commieblocks are built to have urban combat in and be shelled to nothing.
@LukeAlmighty commieblocks are meant to eveventually end up looking like this as a result of the latest slavic ethnic conflict.

How many who???
There are Czechs, moravians and some vietnamese here....

Oh, and Ukrainians lately too.

@LukeAlmighty They are the same.

Suburbs are simply for people with more money. Both are soulless and without any identity.
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