Homeless man told me to fuck myself when I refused to give him any cash
Already hate this place
@Kagekokoro I want to live in a world where it's illegal to be homeless
@Kagekokoro if you're caught being homeless you're beat until you decide to stop being homeless or stop breathing. Just whichever one you decide to do first.
Cities would be SO MUCH BETTER with one simple rule: To live inside city limits, you must carry insurance against criminal mischief.

You can buy insurance from anyone who is able to post a bond big enough to cover the possible claim, but you have to buy it from SOMEONE.

If nobody is willing to sell you insurance, or the price is too high, you don't belong in the city.

@cjd @Kagekokoro @sjw
That is so retarded, I don't even know where to start.

Insurence is a private casino. Nothing fucking else.

So, you gave me 2k each month, and you were robbed. But, since the thief used knife instead of gun, I refuse to help you. WOW!!! such a great system. Hope to work with you again. :omegalul:


@cjd @Kagekokoro @sjw
Also, what was the first justification during BLM looting? Nah, it's ok... these buisinesses are insured.

Well, you live with a population that believes this shit. Do you want them to think your valet and brain are insured too? :blobangel:

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