Yeah apparently guns are more legal in CZ than other Eastern European nations.

Well, still nothing we can compare to your beautiful 2nd amendment.

Yeah, and our courts are beginning to really take it seriously, too, thanks to Bruen.

I would have to
1) get a confirmation from a doctor (most of the time a formality)
2) Take a LONG and BRUTAL knowledge test
3) report each gun to the cops.
4) Not a single drop of alcohol while being armed.

But from what I heard, the rest kinda makes sense.

@LukeAlmighty @NEETzsche Look into PCP Rifles in UK and USA
you guys dont need a ((( LICENSE ))) from the ((( STATE )))

We don't have any of that here. Here, I can go to a store and buy a gun right now. I think they hit an FBI database to see if I'm a felon or awaiting trial, and if I'm not, then they have to let me. We don't have to register guns. No laws regarding alcohol consumption while armed, although frankly I'd advise against it.

@NEETzsche @LukeAlmighty

> We don't have to register guns.

I thought that was required at the federal level except for gun shows and things built at home. do I have a misconception?

No. When buying gun(s) your gun dealer hits an FBI database that checks to see if you're a felon etc, and if you're not, you get to own a gun. On the form, it doesn't tell them what guns you're buying or how many. It's literally "gun" or "guns." That's all they know.

@NEETzsche @LukeAlmighty oh nvm somehow I confused "background check" with "registration" there :brainlet: ignore me
@NEETzsche @LukeAlmighty somewhat unrelated but when you consider that this is the backdrop for all the rhetoric about 3D printers it seems pretty wild
@NEETzsche @roboneko @LukeAlmighty The dealer has to keep a record for some number of years, but is under no obligation to provide that info to the ATF unless asked, IIRC
@NEETzsche @LukeAlmighty

Until Walmart stopped carrying them, you could get a shotgun at Walmart for $99 in twenty minutes. It was great.
@LukeAlmighty @NEETzsche Do they actually have it
if you need a

waiting period
and monitoring
@LukeAlmighty @NEETzsche

The FFs got some stuff right with the Bill of Rights and Naturalization Act.
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