
Out of all recent Fallout properties:
4, 76, shelter and the TV show.

I cannot believe I say this, but Fallout shelter is the best one, without any question.

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@LukeAlmighty It's kind of a mediocre game, it could be much more than what it is currently but Bethesda couldn't rub two braincells together to make it better.

It was a marketing joke of a micro-project.

Noone took it seriously. That is why it's the best one. If they cared, they would make it worse.

It's like the Mandalorian. Noone took it seriously, so the director made the best star wars project of this decade.

After is project was successful for 2 entire series, KK noticed, took it over, and we all know the rest.

@LukeAlmighty I actually agree with you here fallout shelter is actually pretty decent.

I downloaded it on my phone and I thought it'd just be a shitty mobile game fill to the brim with micro transactions like Diablo immortal, but it's surprisingly fun.

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