So, let me get this straight.
A tech company created an AI powered badge cellphone for 700 dollars, but they DIDN'T make it in a shape of an A......

Come on man... How stupid do modern companies have to be to miss out on this oportunity?

@LukeAlmighty maybe they didn't want to get sued or pay an exorbitant licensing fee to Paramount / CBS

But this is the issue. Paramount would have a walking advertisement too.

This is my issue with current absolute stupidity, that I was complaining about in the first place.

Companies not understanding that others using their designs is free advertisement rather than copyright infringement, challenge.

@Jens_Rasmussen @BlinkRape
Well, it's kinda even more retarded though.

In some countrries, if you don't fight every "infringement", you can lose the ability to defend it at all.

But yes, I hate the entire law-based society.

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>In some countrries, if you don't fight every "infringement", you can lose the ability to defend it at all
And that is silly, but even if a written agreement is necessary then both companies should be able to see that it is a mutually beneficial agreement, so long as the product is presented neutrally or in a good light.
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