>"Shady Sands is blown up just after the events of New Vegas"
>"just after"
>Second Battle of Hoover Dam concludes
>credits roll
>Shady Sands destroyed
Congratulations you did fucking nothing the whole game
@weaf I bet they said this because they don't have the imagination to understand a story beyond the details they specifically created.
"What happened to X after New Vegas?"
Doesn't matter, it doesn't affect MY story so it's gone.

This is the same reason the Star Wars books were taken out of "canon" the writers were incapable of fitting a greater reality into their understanding.

Everything must be specific and deliberately created by them or it's better off gone. Zero actual imagination.

@WashedOutGundamPilot @Arkana @weaf
I just now realized the connection between them not understanding 2nd order causality, hatred of the abstract term "the economy" and the entire "slippery slope fallacy" debate...

It kinda makes sense.

@LukeAlmighty @WashedOutGundamPilot @weaf Don't forget about being unable to properly separate fiction from reality, which leads to them believing propaganda far easier
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