
Can we take a moment to apreciate this brave hero who was not afraid to say his opinion in the most stunning show possible?

I hope the left is full of more such great men, who will be remembered across history.

Yes, I get it. When women does anything, including genocide, it's hot.

But that's a different topic.

@LukeAlmighty yeah. You don't get it. You can only think in terms of the material and the sensual.

Your soul is made of shit.

@LukeAlmighty I thought he was just some Q anon boomer who drank to much Kool-Aid.

It's so weird seeing white westerners do this shit.

This is like third worlder stuff.
@pepsi_man @LukeAlmighty

No, it's Old World (pre-Enlightenment) thinking that's breaking through the weak flesh of the New World.

You're going to see far more violence simply because that inate nature has been suppressed by artificial societal programing.
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