
People calling fallout "post post apocaliptic" is so retarded. Yes, it is 100 years after the bombs, but the society was destroyed.

Also, what is the line? Should I call Sailor moon, Halo Mass Effect and any other series, where the civilization WAS fully restored post post post apocaliptic then?

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The civilization was not fully restored it was partly restored

Would full restoration be post post post post apocalipse then?

That's the entire point of my complain.


If Full restoration is post post apocalypse then fallout is

halfway between post apocalypse and post post apocalypse

@LukeAlmighty I think that (spit) Destiny fits that mold pretty well. The apocalypse happened hundreds of years ago, in some places it's basically just a normal civilization and the trains run on time, but outside of that it's just ruins everywhere

But it's a pointless term. If the society is stable, then the apocalipse of the past is no longer the focus.

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