The economy is nothing but pyramid schemes all the way to the top, isn't it?

Pretty much. It's about controlling the money printer.

The printer is one thing, but:
Stock market is a pyramid. Retirement funds are a pyramid. ESG is a pyramid supporting a pyramid. Most small businesses are a small pyramids, and most tech startups are industrial scale pyramids.

So, it seems, that modern industries are 10% about production, and 90% about just promising a return on pyramids.

@LukeAlmighty @NEETzsche the system is designed around textbook scams that are bound to fail from the beginning. they appear good early but create crises later. the scammers are politicians with limited terms and no accountability as bureaucracies are independent. because they're mandatory and have no opt out they create dependence. societal time preference for the moment increases and the economy becomes extractative, liberties are eroded.

We're in the looting phase, yes. You bring up time preference, but another thing that they successfully did is weaponize Whitey's low time preference against him. As it stands, the correct time horizon, from a game theory perspective, is rapidly shrinking. They just want to keep Whitey in the dark on that. Such is the state of societies in decline.

@NEETzsche @LukeAlmighty there are these two fake ideologies progressivism and conservatism that both distract from the regression in civilisation taking place. people are lead to believe material prosperity is a given, tied to magic soil or whatever.

@mactonite @NEETzsche
Not soil... The supermarket shelf.

What a great limitless invention :blobcathairflip:

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