Gonna be really funny watching redditors stroking out in the street because they got a virus in their brain chip from thinking about a fetish site, or because they got a bad software update, or because the cheapo Tesla robot forgot to properly seal their skull and now external bacteria is melting their brain.
Btw the current version of Neuralink is just a brain computer interface, technology we have had since 1965. The difference is all the other commercially available BCIs are just headsets that you wear like headphones and not computer chips drilled into your brain by a company owned by a scam artist that consistently under delivers on all of his promises.

Is it a scam though, if his underdeliveries are further then anyone else on the planet?

I mean, take space X. Are we on Mars yet? Obviously not. But Musk now owns More satellites, then EVERYONE else combined. He also changed the landing of rockets to an economically viable model and the starship is still being actively developed.

@LukeAlmighty @Shadowman311 The rocket landing tech is very cool, I have to admit
@LukeAlmighty @Shadowman311 I could launch a condom full of wet sand into space and "own" more "satellites" than everyone else combined too

@sapphire @Shadowman311
The problem is, that he is a prime manager. And managers have to be talking in visions instead of in facts. He cannot possibly understand all the issues down to the lowest level. And this leads to him underestimating the required complexity by the factor of 10... That is true and understandable.

But he still is progressing. The only question a manager DOES have to know factually is: "is it possible eventually" And he is master at pushing the line of what would be considered possible.

I cannot call a person, who did actually and unironically restart several industies a scam artist, even though, his claims are about as factual as conversation with a pink hair.

@LukeAlmighty @Shadowman311 @CatLord Elon Musk, like the Africans who hate him, is a welfare grifter and has been from the start. Tesla only makes money because they roll your 7500 dollar tax credit into the advertised price of the vehicle. SpaceX only makes money because they're very slightly underbidding other contractors for NASA and DoD jobs. He had that boring company that took all of California's money and bolted. You can really only argue PayPal as his sole private sector success, the rest are crackpot reddit bait that he uses to siphon tax money into his wallet.

@sapphire @CatLord @Shadowman311
Wow... After government takes half of your money, the only way to grow an empire is to take that money from the government.

Who would have thought

@LukeAlmighty @CatLord @Shadowman311 Yeah sure, if he was an American I'd be all for it, but he's not. He's a fucking African who decided his own country wasn't worth stealing from anymore.
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