I love, how women literally call anything a "weaponised incompetence". It's their favorite new blame word.

I just saw a video, that called men literally living up to their own standards, until they get a GF a weaponised incompetence, because he isn't bending his life around a person, who isn't even in their life.

@LukeAlmighty could you elaborate more on "weaponized incompetence?"

It's a feminist all encompassing theory, that claims, that whenever a man does a chore up to his best standards, no matter how well he does it, unless he did it perfectly according to her OFTEN EVEN UNTOLD specifications, he's obviously doing it just to piss her off enough to never ask again.

@LukeAlmighty I think girls have done this to me tbh. Or they just are incompetent.

There is a difference though between you not wanting to do a particular chore, and creating a machiavellian plan of enslaving another person through pretending a retardation. :AsukaShrug:

@LukeAlmighty no I mean women I've date have been terrible at domestic duties to the point where I don't bother delegating it to them.

Yeah... and you don't claim, that they did it on purpose. That's the important part.

@LukeAlmighty I think they might be doing things on purpose but... it's not even consciously.

I never got into formal dating where you'd go on outings with a girl you barely knew. Every girl that I coupled with was a friend for at least three months. So we'd be out and doing things and they were perfectly fine and able to do things on their own. Then we have sex and become an official couple and suddenly... they revert in age. They're no longer the adult I was friends with. They're a child in my ward that wants me to decide on everything.

The best example of this sort of thing is the girl not knowing where she wants to go for dinner.

It really disturbs me to know end how much of female sexuality is rooted in self-infantilization.
I just don't fucking care if I only loaded the dishwasher at 93% optimal efficiency. Dishwasher tablets are like $0.05/ea and the time I'll be forced to spend playing dirty dish Tetris to get that up to 99% is literally not worth the trouble. It's the women who can't run the numbers correctly on this one.
My wife has an aneurysm because I’ll run a dishwasher half full because I dont want to deal with dirty dishes.
Pull $3 out of your wallet and tell her this one's on you. Go get yourself something nice, babe.
Its neuroticism, thing must be full to work. She refuses to take an autism exam.
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