I love, how women literally call anything a "weaponised incompetence". It's their favorite new blame word.

I just saw a video, that called men literally living up to their own standards, until they get a GF a weaponised incompetence, because he isn't bending his life around a person, who isn't even in their life.

@LukeAlmighty could you elaborate more on "weaponized incompetence?"

It's a feminist all encompassing theory, that claims, that whenever a man does a chore up to his best standards, no matter how well he does it, unless he did it perfectly according to her OFTEN EVEN UNTOLD specifications, he's obviously doing it just to piss her off enough to never ask again.

And this video triggered the rant:

It's normal shit of a feminist complaining about the "socialization of men" etc, but she called men not cleaning when they live alone a strategic weaponised incompetence preparation, so woman has to clean everything as soon as she enters his life.

@LukeAlmighty I'm not watching that shit. I'm just going to tell you right now that women have been collectively shit testing men for a while and if you're getting mad, you're an idiot.
@LukeAlmighty you're still being baited. Like all the dipshits who were talking about bears. You'd do well to remember.

Women sense my power and they seek the life essence. I do not avoid women... but I do deny them my essence.

It's a propaganda video I watch during work to have something to laugh about. It's not that deep.

Yes. Yet another step in my elaborate anti-boredom process :D


I might have boobs big enough, but I am just not fit enough.

@LukeAlmighty it's a challenge. That's why it's fun. More fun that falling for roastie published ragebait.
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