
Can we just say with 100% certainty, that Mikasa Ackerman is the ultimate Yandere Queen of anime?

I mean... She actually did it, and didn't even realize it properly :omegalul:

The last queen of this title did anything in her power to at least revert the final act, since she wanted her husbando alive, but Mikasa didn't care.

@LukeAlmighty It's a shame, because until the final arc, Mikasa was SUCH a good and loyal girl. Much better haircut too.
@LukeAlmighty AoT is like an IP that was way more successful than expected so the creator had to start making shit up as he went.

AOT finale spoiler 

More importantly, I am 99,9% sure, he wrote some BASED ending, and when he found out, that some karren he knew didn't like it, he changed it in literally the last chapter.

re: AOT finale spoiler 

@LukeAlmighty Whaaaaaaaaaaat? It was priming up to be a pretty based ending. I wonder what it was supposed to be.
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