Okay why is it so hard to just gimme the pics or the originals come on

You can't bug me to dig into my archives if you don't help me add more to them

No idea who it is but still another solid case study

@Kyou @WashedOutGundamPilot
Noone ever argued about that, but you called it makeup for men. That is enough to qualify you for the card.

@Kyou @LukeAlmighty @WashedOutGundamPilot This just funny from both ends. Kyou is making a figurative point, and Luke is putting it in a literal lense.

Basically facial hair is similar to makeup in one way, but the analogy falls apart from any other lense. Kyou is correct that singular sense, but Luke is correct is the wider sense.

@SockPuppet @Kyou @WashedOutGundamPilot
I wrote several paragraphs on this before, and I hate that saying deeply for 2 reasons.
1) It is a mental block, that removed in his brain posibility of using a tool this insanely powerful. It is a literal logic shortcut. Werbal programming, that makes people weak minded.
2) It also automatically removes all intent from women, who are using makeup. They are putting hours of effort every day to master this art, yet, they compare it to a biological function, that has a hard limit based on a men's genetics. That is just insulting.

So, no, I don't care about the fact, that cutting a beard can make you a bit younger, it has literally NOTHING in common with makeup. It's like comparing artistic painting and spilled ketchup. "But they both red..." 🤦‍♂️

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@Kyou @SockPuppet @WashedOutGundamPilot
I take mental frameworks extremely seriously. They are one of the few pleasures I have left in this life.

Would be a shame to let it go.

@LukeAlmighty @Kyou @WashedOutGundamPilot NTs don't really need to think about mental frameworks, because of the majority of people they talk to use the same one. If you don't use that mental framework, you need to constantly consider others people's frameworks to communicate anything. They simply lack the practice we have.
@LukeAlmighty @Kyou @WashedOutGundamPilot The main issue is that make up doesn't naturally appear on women's faces like facial hair. No man wakes up and "applys" his bread.

Maybe he uses beard oil, but in that case the oil whould be like make-up not the beard. That's like conflating the a Gimp Filter for an .png
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