
Shower thoughts on Star Wars 

Man, I remember episode 7 being bad, but I didn't expect it to be so bad, that even 7 years later, I will still be just realizing, how much damage it had done.

Remember Starkiller? The big gun powered by a star? Well, here's the issue. People used to say, that the first order has a magical economy. That is true. But, I have just realized, that while the ENTIRE GALAXY is somewhere around 1.5 level on the Kardashev scale, first order is AS A FACTION by itself at level 2 already.

And that is in the same series, where in the next episode, the rebelion cannot afford fuel.

I don't think I am able to describe, just how insane that difference is.

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@LukeAlmighty The Disney Star Wars trilogy is profoundly stupid. I'd say Rise of Skywalker is the most retarded of the lot, but all three movies absolutely crumble to even the gentlest examination of its world building or character writing.

Yes, but the scale of the issue is just infinite.

It's like comparing an entire Aircraft carrier to a spear throwing ape. Maybe even worse.

@LukeAlmighty I've had no respect for Mauler ever since he went Full SJW on Synthetic Man because the latter criticized Woke, overrated Soyny slop.

I'll also note that he spent more than 4 hours talking about the Black Widow movie without even once explicitly calling out its Misandry, which is very much controlled opposition behavior.

Damn, you have a LONG list of controlled opposition :omegalul:

I see him just as boring.

@ChristiJunior @LukeAlmighty i will give hime some leeway as he is on good terms with E;R who is significantly more radical than synthetic man
@Vidmastereon @LukeAlmighty Maybe he's just a PlayStation fanboy then :shrug4:

Though I dunno about ER's power level, Hitler jokes aside, I'd say he's around Metokur's level (keep in mind, Jim openly shills Murdoch Murdoch), which is also where I'd place Synthetic Man, who openly calls out race mixing propaganda, a VERY unfashionable stance.
@ChristiJunior @LukeAlmighty I still think TLJ takes the cake of worse Disney sequel. Not only did they give it to a director who found himself above the genre, he also killed off the big bad for no payoff.
@egirlyuumimain @LukeAlmighty The Last Jedi was worse, because it oozed of contempt for and hostility towards Star Wars and its fans, but Rise of Skywalker had even more retarded, nonsensical moments and plot points.

@ChristiJunior @LukeAlmighty Yeah that's true, but I don't know how you pick up the pieces after tlj
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