If I ever create an RPG, it would be a good idea to put an invisible timer on the main quest, and if you don't complete it... nothing visible happens, but by the time you reach the final boss, he had completed his evil quest, your wifu dies, your home is burned to ground and you get the hardest battle of your life.

On the other hand, if you do only a reasonable ammount of side quests, then you battle him before he completed his goal, and you can actually get the good ending.

There should at least be hints dropped that you have to hurry.

It actually reminds me of a quest in Pathfinder Kingmaker, where an opposing barbarian is going to enact a ritual and you have to go stop him.
If you are too slow to go there, then he completes the ritual and the boss fight against him becomes harder and the quest's ending is not as good. Not really something that determines how things go at the end of the game though.
@Jens_Rasmussen @LukeAlmighty reminds me of ADOM where there's a secret mechanic that every cat you kill causes a particular boss to get stronger. Secret mechanics can be fun like that, but a final boss mechanic that violates genre expectations and is easily spoiled and that you can't fix without a new game, that'd be irritating even if it were spoiled immediately and even if the timer were very generous. I'd stop wanting to engage the rest of the game.

But, the final boss having an "evil quest" to counter yours is cool, and not often done.

Exile III/Avernum 3 had cities get overrun and destroyed over the course of the game if you didn't intervene to save them.

@apropos @Jens_Rasmussen
Yeah, that's the sad part, that if I were to do it, it would literally be the first thing everyone would hear about the game, making the mechanic meaningless.

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@LukeAlmighty @Jens_Rasmussen another option is to make it a very obvious timer in the game. The original System Shock had a difficulty level with this: in 10 hours, Shodan wins. That's generous but just having a timer at all added a lot of stress to a game where you can just keep going back to medical/energy centers to top up.

In a fantasy setting it could be astrological. When the planets finish aligning the Demon King's final spell will start.
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