Let humans have at least some ambitions...

We gave up on colonizing space for almost 50 years.Humanity needs a common goal, and science could be at least a bit motivating.


So, what ambition for humans can you offer? If discovering science ain't enough?

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I'm all for discovery, but the ruling class isn't interested in it. If they were then they'd be collecting unsolved mysteries and putting bounties on solving them. People like Mike McCulloch would be known. This isn't about discovery, this is about running a silly contraption during an eclipse to make the gods smile on them so they'll win WW3.

@LukeAlmighty @cjd
The cost of these things rises exponentially, but there have been zero actual breakthroughs in theoretical physics in the last decades.
We're no closer to a "grand unified theory" than we were in the 1980s.

@LukeAlmighty @cjd
Then how can we judge whether "it is worth it"?
We're speaking about costs in the range of the GDP of a small country and the energy consumption of a medium one - there has to be a significant advantage o this. "Muh, knowledge" probably isn't enough.

There probably is a grand unified theory, but it's being kept locked in a basement somewhere because they don't want the plebs to have fusion powered flying cars.
@cjd @LukeAlmighty @STP
I also don't want the plebs to have fusion powered flying cars.

It's bad enough that niggers have Kia Sorentos.
>what ambition for humans can you offer?
Total Nigger Death.

@Jens_Rasmussen @cjd
I get you, but it has to not be divisive. And I kinda think, that most liberals don't feel like doing this.

Also, it is quite achievable, so it wouldn't work for too long.

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