I see, that you guys are still too retarded to understand the concept of "I don't fucking know, I am not better then the best of our physicists combined"


@Professor_Groyper @TrevorGoodchild
Maybe, that they spend their entire lives studying physics, to anwser physical questions?

Do you understand, that "how the universe was created" is a physical question, right?

@LukeAlmighty @TrevorGoodchild "What do boobs feel like?" is also a physical question, but I doubt any physicist knows the answer.
@LukeAlmighty @Professor_Groyper @TrevorGoodchild you made it a philosophical question by using "created" you alliterate mongoloid
@LukeAlmighty @Professor_Groyper @TrevorGoodchild i "create" a boiled egg
therefore, your assertion is that the Universe was created, and by any definition that means by God
whew lad, you should have taken the L instead of trying to be clever

@JoshuaSlocum @Professor_Groyper @TrevorGoodchild
I asked HOW...
And you anwser by rewriting the rest of the question.

Briliant. Exactly the level of intelligence I expected.

@LukeAlmighty @Professor_Groyper @TrevorGoodchild doesn't matter how, you numpty
i, me, a being, a consciousness, "created" a boiled egg
by using "created" you undermined your point
stop having opinions, you don't have the chops
Very few scientists spend their lives studying anything. Physicists specifically spend their lives extending mathematical equations. IT is always assumed, though not without evidence, that those equations are already fundamentally correct. When a physicist claims to have "proved" something, 90% of the time, he means "the equations balance.
But something in the Standard Model is seriously out of kilter. trying to refine equations in order to extend your understanding doesn't work if the basic model is incorrect.
And gravity is the most incorrect part of the Standard Model. physical matter, light, electromagnetics are all fairly well understood, but Gravity is the problem child. There is no known mechanism for it to work. Every time some physicist thinks "AHA! I HAVE THE ANSWER TO GRAVITY!" he turns out to be very provably wrong.
My personal opinion, and it is only an opinion because I don't have the background to prove anything one way or the other on it, is that LeSage had the right idea, gravity is a pushing mechanism, not a pulling one.
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