I see, that you guys are still too retarded to understand the concept of "I don't fucking know, I am not better then the best of our physicists combined"

@TrevorGoodchild @LukeAlmighty I see, that they are still too retarded to understand the concept of "I don't fucking know, I am not better than the best of the physicists who still don’t fucking know and who are not better than God."
@TrevorGoodchild @LukeAlmighty @jewpacabra I used to explain people in high school how gravity isn't real as a joke. Little did I know I was so close to the truth back then. Modern-day physics is an immense LARP by people who HAVE to act like they get it because they are prof. dr. phd cumstain laude and regular people wouldn't get it if they just answered "dunno lol". Also the physics dept. is filled with a lot of fags these days I'm afraid.
@IlDuWuce @TrevorGoodchild @LukeAlmighty @Jewpacabra (Evolutionary) biology is even worse. Your entire degree hinges on glorifying Darwinism, and once you're finished all your job offers are about expanding the Darwinian fan-fiction. And then when the origin of mankind comes up in debate people will say "all the scientists [who are selected based on accepting Darwinism and whose livelihoods depend on Darwinism] are Darwinist, therefore Darwinism is true :brainlet:"

@dubbub @IlDuWuce @Jewpacabra @TrevorGoodchild
Literally all of Covid research in a nutshell.

> All our experts agree, that Vaccines are 100% safe and 100% effective.

> ... I don't

> You're fired...
Anyway. All our experts agree, that Vaccines are 100% safe and 100% effective.

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