I was thinking about how could I have possiby lost literally all interest in the Boys.

And it kinda hit me again. It's not the cringe politics, nor the show being shameless.

It's the fact, that the plot no longer follows the premise set in the first episode.

In the first episode, the goal was set clear. Kill the 7. Well, now we are several seasons later, and so far, the only one who died with exception of translucent was.... Black Noir. And from what the wiki saysm he was already replaced anyway.

The show did such an amazing work making me HATE Atrain, yet, I got blueballed for so long, with his death, that most people watching it already forgot, that he even was an important character in the first season.

And this comes back to a greater point.

Why is it so fucking hard for TV show writers to hold to their plot? I get, that the "restart at the end of the episode" fits sitcoms, but whenever your show is about granter schemes, it becomes a posion, that stops all investment into literally all aspects, except for an ocasional joke or a great visual.

>Why is it so fucking hard for TV show writers to hold to their plot?
If a TV show is a runaway success, why end it? The incentive for writers and showrunners to drag things out is built-in.

I get your point, but there have to be better options, then turning it into a soap opera.

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