Wisecrack stream:
> Jordan Peterson's hosts.
They are not a serious perople, and they are not taken seriously by serious people.
> And I think that's something that can be a helpful method of evaluating who we should or shouldn't take seriously.
You cannot make this shit up. This is the level of intelectual rigorousness of the leftie philosopher kings.
I don't mind them not liking Jordie...
But the cyclic logic used to justify it.
People I like don't like him, therefore I am correct in not liking him.
That is the definition of a retarded logic.
Sorry for not being clear on that. I am just insanely autistic, so I LOVE following logical chains.
But yeah, I cannot take Jordan seriously. He thinks being high is proof of supernatural. He also doesn't even know, that he is an atheist.
And if that wasn't enough, his daughter is a known whore, and he is known for overdosing so hard, he needed to spend the withdrawal in an artificial coma.
Cleanest room in the world...
> Men are not being excluded by the left.
Continues to call men "dudes" the entire rest of the video.