I think I am losing my mind...
These people decided to steal our jobs. Our rights... And even called for our execution.....

And now, they are asking why we didn't feel included in their little cult?

@LukeAlmighty Remember The Atlantic is owned by an old saggy white women who is best friends with ghislaine maxwell. They also posted an article calling for an "amnesty" for all the vile stuff they did during the plandemic.
Top woman thinking there.

Yeah... but an amnesty was kind of an admision of guild.

Meanwhile, this article is back to 0 with understanding of the topic. Are they gaslighting, throwing shit to see what sticks, or are they just THAT retarded?

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@LukeAlmighty >guild
Thieves guild more like it. ... Huh? ... Huh? ... I'll get my coat.
Also they are desperate. They know they deserve torture and death, and their families. Seriously. They did THAT BAD OF STUFF.
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