We're entering an interesting new era of "leftist intellectualism", where they openly admit, that the arguments made by the right might be true, but since a right winger made them, they no longer matter, because Hitler.

@LukeAlmighty Anything is eventually brought back to the Holocaust because it’s the ultimate morally-based TTC. Guy is a faggot and brainbroken. At least he’s a good example of a non-functioning human being to point to whenever debates come up.

As far as I know, he's not even taking care of his child.

So, he's not even in the category of moral entities for me.

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@LukeAlmighty Guy is a freak. The only people who could ever like him are also freaks. It’s a good thing he exists because he draws out the really weird people who are okay with what he does and keeps them in his camp away from everyone else.
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