@Curvin @vaartis
I seriously don't get the obsession with hating on a less damaging alternative to an already bad habbits.

@Curvin @vaartis
When I started my fitness jurney, literally the best thing to help me get over the initial hell was suger free sparkling water. Because if I were to jump straight to water only, I would not be able to handle it.

@LukeAlmighty @vaartis >fructose free sparkling water
Are you fucking serious with me? Now I definitely know you're American

@Curvin @vaartis
Sure. I put the flag there just for the protection brácho.

@LukeAlmighty @vaartis What the fuck?
You live in the one place in the world where wine, beer and vodka are all popular in equal measure and you drink "sugar free" sparkling WATER?

@Curvin @vaartis
I see why you don't get it...
Of course I still drink a ton of beer and Burčák. But we also have this demon. And that demon got me fat really bad.

@LukeAlmighty @vaartis Let me be clearer aswell I genuinely thought you were implying the existence of a "sugary" sparkling water, but not in the sense you were probably saying.
Maybe you meant me to interpret it as what soda pop drinks essentially are, but I got confused and thought you were talking about normal sparkling water with regular sugar dissolved in it, produced and bottled at a plant somewhere.

@Curvin @vaartis
I meant things like this:
17 kcal /100ml.
It's not deadly ammount of sugar, but it still isn't water or sugar free.

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