Betting & gambling is getting more and more normalized again, almost like sports and betting on sports are two sides of the same coin but they're not

Sites and apps popping up left and right and more people joining in 😟

There is a reason however why all those gambling companies exist, the house wins ALWAYS at the end of the day and a casino is super profitable

If people made money from (online) casinos they would not exist in the first place! Be smart❤️


As a teenager, I worked at a convenience store that had a lottery machine.

Every single day on closing, the lottery machine was 2k or more in favor of the lottery company.

I saw multiple people every day toss $100 into the machine and spend every dollar they won on more lottery until they lost. It was just sad.

I think advertising gambling should be illegal. It's extremely predatory.


@JHein @stux
I remember once missing my train, and while I was waiting, a bunch of kids ran into the station, and spent all of their money on Lottery tickets.

After the 1st wave, they spent all of their winnings on more tickets and repeated, until they were at 0 and left.

Quite an educational experience to be sure. :D

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