
The most autistic post I can write 

There should be a real science based self care theory classes on Primary school.

When I look back even on fucking PE, they tought us nothing. They just said "run" or "play football". But this class should also include skin care, diet, and maybe even... cleaning.

Because let's be honest. It would still be 30x more useful then some retarded geography or ecology class.

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@LukeAlmighty Gym class could in theory be really good, but in practice it's pretty worthless, with a nasty misandrist edge to boot, because in my experience at least boys need to push themselves hard just to get an above-average grade, while girls automatically get at least a B+ just for showing up.

Well, in my case, it was kinda worse.

In your misandric case, it pushed you towards something. In my experience (between many teachers and several schools), a teacher came in, we did scratches, followed by football (played obviously only by 4 most gifted people in class, while defence mostly stood in 1 place and talked), and I don't remember anyone getting a 2.

I even remember being insanely shocked, when I fainlly payed some serious money to a gym trainer, and realized, that in all the 15+ years, none of the teachers bothered to teach me even the most basic of theory on how to actually get better.

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