That's so ugly...
I get some signature or watermark, but this is just ridiculous...
Do these artists even want people to enjoy their creations?
@DrRyanSkelton @LukeAlmighty @Moto_Chagatai not really you just have to know where to look for artists that arent coomers or geeds
Time to complain about AI was 20 years ago. (god, I am old)
But watermarks existed before AI. I am talking about watermarks themselves. Not to mention... do they know, that fanart is itself literally the exact thing they're trying to fight against?
@Moto_Chagatai @LukeAlmighty I get it too but damn this shit is half the image, any good artist knows to make the watermark as aesthetically pleasing and unobtrusive as possible but this geed may as well just put the whole book of the Silmarrilion on there.