
Where does the myth, that AI consumes water even comes from?

@LukeAlmighty i assumed it was used for cooling but then it would be steamed lmao
@LukeAlmighty "look how much water we lost"

what do you mean lost
it's steamed, it goes to the sky and falls back as rain.
how do you think rain works, does water just spawn in?
@themilkman @LukeAlmighty I always wonder why they can’t cool it with a closed loop like a car radiator or a gaming pc.
@LukeAlmighty "AI requires a lot of water to cool the equipment in data centers. Data centers use cooling towers and air mechanisms to dissipate heat, which can cause up to 9 liters of water to evaporate per kWh of energy used." -Google AI Search Result

My guess is that they are retarded and don't know how to design closed loop cooling systems so they just heat up water and then drain it to remove heat.
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