Given how Rockstar can take 10+ years to make a new entry, it's probably going to have the best gameplay to date and simultaneously be insufferably left wing.

Right-wing fans of GTA will innovate in mental gymnastics to justify the amazing gameplay and pretend the leftist propaganda is not that bad, or you can play around it or something.
@Rasterman Its going to be shit. The talent has left Rockstar North years ago. The trailer alone has already discouraged a lot of people from buying it.
@maxmustermann The one trailer or has there been another? All I remember is that Vice City looks inhabited by infinity niggers, some of them obese, but that's the leftist angle I'm talking about. I haven't seen any gameplay.

These nigs will do something crazy. They have to.

The infinite niggers was more than enough. Trust me. Gameplay? There is probably a reason we haven't seen any gameplay.

> saying the gameplay will be good is in of itself a massive cope,

Cope? How about outright delusion. Haven't you seen any photos of the dev team recently? Its 80% women. Not even sorry to tell you that, but the chances of all them being second coming of Roberta Williams is exactly 0%.
@maxmustermann It's GTA. They're gonna drop the gameplay video when they are close to release to cause hype.

I hop it flops if it's leftist, but that's also a cope, given how every GTA is a bigger success than the previous one.

Just don't be disappointed if the gameplay is so staggeringly genre-defining that there's no choice but to watch hordes of gamers make excuses for the fact you can join BLM, transition genders or assassinate a Trump stand-in to progress the story.
It probably will be a success because of normies and GTA fanbois, no question. I won't underestimate how deranged woke devs are though because I wouldn't be surprised if they do everything you post and more. Say for example they've got a problem with video game violence which many of these woke devs do they might do something incredibly cringe like make it so that you can't kill black NPCs and prostitutes.

This is one of the big reasons by the way gun designs are so shit in modern games now if they aren't carbon copies of real guns. Even then the sound design is often pretty bad, it's because at least some devs have openly admitted they hate guns. The rot is really bad in the games industry now and it's drastically affecting the quality.

@lethn @rasterman @maxmustermann
I wouldn't believe, that it will be an auto-success. After all. 10 years of development is always a bad idea. Not to mention, that the culture shift is seriously way too real, considering the amount of games, that coudln't reach 100k this year.

There unironically is a chance of it flopping.

On the other had........ There are some niggers out there unironically buying shark cards in the most broken MP game of all time, so what the hell do I know. These 1 000 idiots might be retarded enough to pay it off on their own.

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I think it's fair not to underestimate the consoom crowd but it seems that particular cow has been almost completely milked dry because of recent events so it will be interesting to see what happens regardless. I hate Rockstar and their timeframes though, a lot of AAA studios do this where they do some stupid teasers to build hype and then you realise the release is at least 2 - 3 years away. I still think that's a shady as fuck thing to do if it's not in early access.

I'm feeling very mixed on it all.
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