I'd say "that's an average day on this side of the fediverse" but actually people who want to genocide half the planet for being useless shitskins are surprisingly polite compared to the average unhinged leftist. :pepe_newspaper:
@Rasterman They keep claiming that we're angry and aggressive because we use slurs, failing to understand that to us nigger and faggot are just everyday, fun words. They really do be thinking that we're like those secretly racist Boomercons, who only drop an N-bomb once they've been driven mad with rage.
@Rasterman Also, it's always been like this, Leftist communities have always been the nastiest, most unpleasant and most hateful places to be around, because the people there are so shit. Reminds me of some journos pointing out that "despite the show being so feminist and progressive", the Steven Universe fanbase is full of death threats and bullying.

No niggers, that's happening precisely BECAUSE the show and the fanbase is so progressive, not in spite of it. Only people without virtue engage in obsessive virtue signaling.

@ChristiJunior @rasterman
Try to explain to a leftie, that their agressive reaction to slightest social faux pas is literally the least tolerant and pleasant environment for an autist challange.

Difficulty: Grimdark

@LukeAlmighty @Rasterman On the other hand, Affirmative Consent is an approach to sexual relationships that only makes sense if at least one of the two parties is autistic.

@ChristiJunior @rasterman
Yes, but the level of autism needed for you to want that kind of communication is also on the "constant assistance needed" level of retarded.

Sorry, I am HIGHLY autistic, and live with many communities, and there never was a problem with the word "no".


@ChristiJunior @rasterman
There is a viral video right now about a girl, who slept with 100 people in 1 day.

After the action, she literally broke down, and started crying. She started explaining, how she had to dissociate, since her brain couldn't process it. Look at it :alexjonessmile2:

So, that is what happens, when your beliefs are literally making you unable to accept the correct anwser to a trauma.

@LukeAlmighty @ChristiJunior She blamed it on some of the men not being satisfied with their allotted 5 minutes. Somehow, it was men's fault again.
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