
Europeans need to rediscover their indigenous faiths.

The belief is the same, you just avoid the parts imposed by the middle east.
@amerika Would be great, but it's not gonna happen, let's get real. I have more faith in the mos maiorum than an actual religion making a comeback in this day and age.

Christianity is dying hard and fast. People are spiritual but not religious. That's the basis of paganism right there, and it's going to expand as the Old Tales spread.
Christianity is a failed religion. A serial rapist who "repents" and "finds Jesus" is considered equivalent to any other Christian, and in fact BETTER than me, an athiest.
@truthbait @cjd @Rasterman

Depends on the sect, but a lot of Christians feel this way.

The smart ones of course care less, but are suspicious of atheists as having no moral center.

Then again, it seems to me that most Christians are actually atheists who just want to be culturally Christian.

@amerika @rasterman @truthbait @cjd
> Culturally christian
I cannot get over this term tbh. It then leads to prople like JP to say, that our entire civilization is judeo-christian, and that Atheists aren't actually even atheists, if they celebrate Christmas.

The term seem to me like a latest cope of dying religion to re-define itself on the smallest scope possible in order to defend at least that. Meanwhile, it does the opposite, since it separates the belief from the name of Christianity, while also pushing wedge between Christians and atheists when it comes to actually building a culturally coherent society. Since, I don't see them going to the church and wearing a cross as anything even slightly incompatible with my lifestyle, while jewish or god forbid musloid ideas of a good society are absolutely unacceptable.

@LukeAlmighty @amerika @truthbait @cjd Sounds like what happened to Rome. We almost get Mehmet II to call himself a Roman emperor, the term was so meaningless.
Let's not conflate culturally Christian with judeo-christian. judeo-christian is a propaganda term designed to deceive, promoted by jews.

Many east Europeans were culturally Christian during the Soviet times. Behavioral norms, ethics were Christian, but didn't attend church because of obvious reasons.

@Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @amerika @rasterman @truthbait @cjd
I would actually preffer that term 100 times more, since I really do not share many christian ideas.

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