
Reading comments under a video about artist, who put life goldfish into blender, and letting people decide and think...

Everyone in the comments is complaining about how psychopathic the artist is... Or... (and noone is mentioning this) you could NOT press the button? Like a decent human being?

@LukeAlmighty most humans are psychopathic.

There was a woman and the Netherlands in the early 1960s who did an art project to where she will let anyone do anything they wanted to her and by the end of the day she had multiple bruises on her nearly got abducted and it took a group of seven people guarding her because they refused to let anything happen to her out of the goodness of their heart.

Most people are awful given the chance with no consequences. And especially towards animals they will do even worse.

Psychopaths are known for the lack of emotional resposnes, aren't they?

This makes normies kinda worse, since they do have psychopathic tendencies, and then flashback of emotions, that they cannot get over :D But yes, you are correct.

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