Oh my fucking god! I did it, I DID IT!
Was trying to set up a dual boot option in Windows I had a weird configuration so I decided to try and fix it on Manjaro and It was a big mistake I fucked up everything and destroyed not only minjago but I also destroyed the entirety of Windows and for more than 3 hours I've been trying to fix and get one of the operating systems fixed but I was able to not only fully repair windows and get that running as a root but I also have Manjaro fully installed and working as a dual boot option fuck every single person who thinks they can't figure this out without googling it or watching YouTube videos this motherfucker did it and I am fucking victorious! :ablobcatrainbow: :ablobcatrainbow: :ablobcatrainbow: :ablobcatrave:

@Mr_NutterButter Why would you want to dual boot proprietary malware alongside a free software OS that gives you freedom?
Hmm, manjaro, does ship some proprietary malware out of the box (but at least such doesn't tend to get loaded unless there's something to use it).
Please avoid using "google" as verb, it's "internet search", or just "search".

@Suiseiseki my job requires me to use Adobe products and it's to much work to have them work with Manjaro and I play to much D2 and they will ban your account if you play on Linux or try and bypass them. I literally only have Windows because they're holding me hostage with it

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