
Everything's finally coming together!

After months of creating concept ideas for my story.

Something all of a sudden just clicked and now all those ideas I have are being linked together by a common idea in rule throughout the world.

I'm essentially creating an island like, bioluminescent world completely enshrined by an ever creeping darkness which will eventually destroy all of existence.

And the main villain just wants to kill himself. The main hero just wants to move on or possibly kill them self too.

A lot of suicide and killing themes.....

ALSO, Don't worry there are a lot of hot women & men in this story, so I'm not treading too far from what the audience wants!

Bioluminescent worlds are a fun aesthetic. Subnautica is a great example of it done well. Good luck.

@Alex A lot of the inspiration for this world and ideas actually are drawn at least for me.

Subnautica, Dark souls/Souls series, Garden of Eden, Blood Meridian & Polynesian mythology.

Basically we're going to be exploring Grand kingdoms an the untamed wilderness with some fucky symbology.

@Alex also I'm getting to a really solid point with the main character to where I might actually commission concept art of them soon.

It better helps me establish who they are when I can definitively see their face in a physical medium instead of fully within my mind.

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