
I keep having dreams of a area of my world.

It's a vast ocean that's completely still.

The Grand structure is a flat price of glass that you can walk on top of the water, with pillers carved / made of blue & purple crystals. With astrological blueprints and charts holographicly in the sky with a great nebula hanging with biblically accurate angels making stars.

A waterfall flowing from the heavens themselves with a glowing sunlight statue at the very bottom praying to something. The statue is visibly crying and has crystals on the bottom of it.

I don't know why I keep dreaming about this???

It's a sign that you're developing a deeper connection to the world. Keep it up, dreams are where all the best worldbuilding happens.

@Alex Thanks I'll have to commission artwork of it one day

It feels like a bridge to witness God from.

Like cosmic contentment personified???

@Alex The thing that crazy is that any time I dream about it, it's always in the context of the world is ending and this is the most beautiful place left and it's sad that it's going to be destroyed & such a beautiful legacy to.

& The thing is this place is what inspired me to start making my world.

I have no idea where it came from only that I keep getting more clear and sareal dreams with it.

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