
I think, I think like a paradox.

Okay I know that was the tongue twister but let me explain.

So antinataliem and Eflilsm is the ultimate form of deconstruction of existence. And their main point is just the mere fact of the existence of pain or suffering and how no existence guarantees that neither happens so it is there for a good and they always refer to how a child or person can't consent to being created and I is another large point.

But maybe I think weirdly but just the mere fact of existence itself is a positive to where nonexistent is a negative because experience of something is a positive. I'm not really sure how to explain it but just the idea of experiencing something opposed to not experience it at all even if it is negative experience is a positive to me I don't know maybe I'm thinking weirdly!?

I think that's also what a lot of people inherently. Because the idea of the afterlife is inherently written in the idea of experiencing more of something.

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