I'll still never comprehend how some people can't read or think with a voice in their head.

Granted my voice that I hear in my head isn't always consistent most of the time it's just a generic male voice.

But sometimes because I listen to so many commentary channels The voice will be the actual narrator of thet YouTube channel I watch.


All I know is, they helped me pass the SAT in high school, so I'm cool with the voices. ;)


@Dan_Ramos when I'm bored I'll sometimes make two voices or three in my head that have different sounds that argue with each other.


I have had that pretty much all my life.. often arguing two or more perspectives or ideas off each other. I think that's normal too, though.

@Dan_Ramos oh apparently according to science only 33% of the population is able to do that.

That probably explains why there are a lot of dumb people.

They literally don't have a voice in their head that tells them it's a bad idea.

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