@Goalkeeper @caekislove >All that started in the early 2000's
Oh, you mean the time we had a Boomer President for 8 years right after having a Boomer President for 8 years? Those times?

They'd be funny if they weren't completely delusional.

Yes tell me Mr. Boomer how I created safe spaces and gender theory at 12 years old. Literally the worst fucking people on the planet.

>we never got participation trophies
You bitched when your special little boy/girl lost whatever they were competing in. You had no problem handing them out. :02_smug:

@Goalkeeper I actually remember when I was 9 and I got a participation trophy at a sporting event and I was confused because I lost.

It feels like a petty reward to make the parents feel good.

It's a tool to help the parents avoid having a conversation about losing
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